About us ?

Previsite is the No. 1 in France for solutions for the distribution and enhancement of real estate advertisements using innovative technologies.

By choosing Previsite solutions you generate more views on your ads, you will stand out from the competition and sell faster!

Previsite is a trademark of La Boîte Immo Group. A transaction specialist, she is the editor of the No. 1 Hektor software, offers site creation, referencing and training.

Previsite in few dates

Since 2000, we have been guiding our clients and resellers in the promotion of their listings. We offer the best tools with an eye every day on the technological progress. Over the years, we have diversified our expertise offering a video service with SpotVid�oTM, virtual visit with Virtual Visit, social media management with Social Connect and 3D with 3D Visit.


Community management




Previsite acquiert Visitou

Previsite consolide sa position de leader français de la visite virtuelle


Previsite rachète Smartvisite

Previsite devient le leader européen sur le marché des annonces en vidéos.


Previsite rejoint La Boîte Immo

Une complémentarité évidente qui permettra de développer de nouvelles synergies.


Lancement de Worldposting

Les annonces immobilières à l'international.


Création et gestion de plus de 3 000 pages professionnelles Facebook dans le monde.
Plus de 200 000 vidéos diffusées par mois


Lancement de SocialConnect

Solution innovante utilisant les réseaux sociaux comme outil marketing


Plus de 10 000 clients

Dans 30 pays et 10 fuseaux horaires


Lancement sur de nouveaux marchés internationaux dans plus d'une vingtaine de pays


Lancement de Virtual Visit

La première solution d'autonomie brevetée pour la réalisation de visites virtuelles


Création de la société Previsite

Créateur de contenu multimédia interactif pour le marché immobilier

The Previsite team

Our team of qualified collaborators works every day to offer tools adapted to your needs. Composed of experts in development and specialists in real estate web marketing, we put our responsiveness and our dynamism at your service in order to place your satisfaction at the center of our concerns.

Stéphane Caron

Managing Director

William Peninon

Technical director

Alexandre Vincent

Commercial Large Accounts

Bruce Bréchaire

Product manager

Matthieu Del Mercato

Based sales

Samira Madouri

Customer Care Manager

Emilie Mabille

Technical support and trainer

Samia Allouche

Commercial Sedentary

Alexandre Capron

Fullstack Developer

Jean-Christophe Barret

Fullstack Developer / Mobile

Dimitri Buzalja

Fullstack Developer

Thierry Valente

Fullstack Developer

Yanis Benhalima

Fullstack Developer

Clelia Hague

Technical support and trainer

Joris Semmane

Based sales